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在埃尔迈拉,我们相信学生的成功是关于在校园里专注、投入和活跃. 基于此,mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学生四年都住在校园里. 从按时去早班到方便地去你需要的一切——餐厅, student support services, 辅导, 学习小组, hangouts with friends, 校园活动, 体育赛事——住在校园中心的好处是无穷无尽的. 我们提到过住在校园里的学生往往有更高的gpa和准时毕业吗? 

The First-Year Housing Experience

A residence hall is more than a place to rest your head. It's the place where you and your friends imagine what's possible. 毕竟,你们的新家——你们的宿舍——是专门为你们而建的. Our living spaces were created and designed to foster connections, to spark conversations, and to ignite your passions. 在这里, 你不仅会梦想什么是可能的,而且你也会得到支持,使这些梦想成为现实.

Find Your Perfect Roommate

When it's time to register for housing, 你可以选择一个特定的室友,或者填写一份调查问卷. If you opt for the questionnaire, 你会被问到几个问题来帮助你找到一个潜在的室友, ranging from your sleeping habits, 个性, and what you are looking for in a roommate. If you have a specific roommate you want to live with, 完成申请后,您可以搜索并确认您的室友. 

Returning Students

As a returning student, 你还有额外的好处,每年可以选择你想住在校园里的哪里,选择你的室友. 另外, there are unique room types only available to upper-level students, including single rooms, suite-style房间, and two-bedroom apartments.

Upper Classmen Housing Options

Special Interest Housing Options

A group of students walk by Meier Hall
Two female students laugh while sitting on a futon in a dorm room

Live and Thrive in the 学生宿舍

A Sense of Community

Entering college sometimes comes with new changes. Whether it's sharing a room for the first time, 参与, or starting college classes, the first year can be overwhelming. 在宿舍里,你可以交到朋友,并找到可以持续一生的支持系统. Each floor has a Resident Assistant, 一个学生工作人员,帮助回答你的问题,并帮助你找到解决问题的方法. 住宿助理还计划活动和事件,使大厅聚集在一起, creating a home away from home.


从休息室到娱乐室到户外露台,总有一个地方可以与朋友聚会. 学生们聚在一起看电影或一起玩电子游戏是很常见的. 建筑物周围的大型户外区域非常适合大型聚会. 


Each hall has unique amenities, warmth, and charm. It's more than a building with four walls; your residence hall is a place to relax, 研究, and connect with friends. 每个大厅都有休息室,用于放松和与其他学生交流, a pantry to store snacks, and a laundry room. Have a floor-wide ping-pong or pool tournament, play lawn games with your friends, relax in front of a fireplace, or practice piano with a picturesque view of campus.

Four students play Jenga in a residence hall lounge

A Welcoming and Helpful 工作人员

当有人在你身边时,你更容易适应大学生活. 这就是为什么mg冰球突破豪华版下载确保除了学生工作人员外,每个宿舍都有专业工作人员监督. 社区协调员(CC)住在大楼里,负责确保大厅的顺利运行. 这些人是你可以向他们寻求建议,帮助解决问题,或者只是聊聊天的人.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are students required to live on campus all four years?

是的. 埃尔迈拉大学 has plenty of rooms in their residence halls. Our feeling is that when undergraduate students live together, they can support each other while having a good time. The exception to living on campus 在2024年秋季或之后入学的本科生是否与法定监护人住在60英里范围内, is 23 years of age or older, or is married or living with biological children. 2024年秋季之前入学的学生如果住在离校园30英里以内,可以住在校外. This is subject to change prior to the Fall 2025 term.

What is the housing selection process?

入学的一年级学生首先要完成一份关于他们习惯的调查. Questions include 研究 habits and living routines. Then, you will be matched with a roommate with similar interests. 高年级学生将使用住房选择过程来选择他们的宿舍.

Who do I talk to if I have an issue or question as a resident?

We want to take good care of every student. 因此,每个宿舍都由一个专业的工作人员,社区协调员(CC)监督。. The CC lives in the building that they are supervising. 每层楼都有一名学生工作人员,他是住宿助理或RA. mg冰球突破豪华版下载宿舍的工作人员接受了广泛的培训,以帮助满足学生的不同需求.
