The announcement of 井科尔ege’s closing has undoubtedly left you with many questions as you look to finish your academic degree. 

虽然我们理解你对让我们走到一起的环境感到失望, we hope to be able to help you continue your academic pursuits and meet your goals with as little disruption as possible. mg冰球突破豪华版下载有着悠久的历史, 与学生的支持关系, and we want you to know that our staff and administration stands ready to support you as you transfer to EC and finish your collegiate journey.

我们很高兴延长我们的 翱翔的老鹰采取主动飞行 给符合条件的威尔斯学院学生. 在这个项目下, 埃尔迈拉大学 will cover out-of-pocket costs for undergraduate tuition and mandatory fees for eligible incoming undergraduate New York State students, 家庭平均收入为50美元,每年不超过5万美元.. 这是纽约州居民上一所一流私立大学的免费学费.

EC offers a transition process for you that is streamlined and simplified compared to the traditional transfer application. 事实上,没有正式的申请. Your enrollment and good standing at 井科尔ege is sufficient to ensure your acceptance to 埃尔迈拉大学 and our registrar’s office will expedite the review of your transcripts. All you need to do is follow the steps below and we’ll keep you notified of our progress on reviewing your transcripts and awarding your financial aid.



  • 完成我们的简报 威尔斯学院转学表格.
  • Upload your current 井科尔ege transcripts (as well as those from any other institutions you’ve attended).
  • Upload a copy of your most recent current 井科尔ege bill including any financial aid received from the institution.
  • 我们将根据你提交的材料提供经济资助.  (为了最终确定你的经济援助奖励,我们需要收到你的2024-25年FAFSA的副本. 表格可透过
  • 在两周内收到你的录取和经济援助信息! 

转移Admissions Counselor Jenn Robinson is ready to answer your questions and provide personalized help as you make the transition to EC.

(607) 735-1705


“我是来帮你顺利从威尔斯学院过渡到mg冰球突破豪华版下载的. 有了我们热爱的欧共体传统和支持的环境,我知道你会有宾至如归的感觉."


Dr. 丹Kjar, 学术指导主任, will reach out to you once we’ve received your materials and work one-on-one with you to make sure your credits transfer to the appropriate areas. He also will connect you with the appropriate faculty for your program and help you get started with your EC academic advisor. 如果你们有什么问题的话,他的联系方式是 or (607) 735-1826 (办公室).



埃尔迈拉大学 has many undergraduate programs that align with the programs offered at 井科尔ege, 帮助你继续你想要的学术之旅:

想要探索其他的学术选择? We have more than 30 academic programs that give you the opportunity to create an academic experience that fits your career goals. 我们注重实践, 体验式学习意味着你毕业后为下一步做好了准备, 无论是读研究生还是找工作. 更多的机会给你:

  • 进行研究, 无论是独立的还是与教师合作的, 这是在国家和国际会议上提出的
  • 在现实世界中获得健康科学的临床经验
  • 在世界各地探索新的学习机会 第三项

所有电子学位 & 项目



综合管理理学硕士 (混合格式)




埃尔迈拉大学 offers one of the lowest tuition prices of any four-year private college or university in the region. 此外,几乎100%的学生获得某种形式的经济援助.

学费 & 援助

A male student and two female students hold cold drinks while smiling for the camera outside during May Days

mg冰球突破豪华版下载风景优美的小校园里,很容易联系上. 和你的朋友去麦肯齐家玩, 看看我们戏剧系在吉布森剧院的最新作品, 或者试图在第三学期垒球比赛中击出全垒打. Located in the Southern Finger Lakes region, there is plenty to do outside of campus as well.


The 埃尔迈拉大学 Women's Hockey Team poses together with an NCAA trophy after coming in second in the nation.

埃尔迈拉大学 Athletics have created a tradition of success, including six national championships. 16支三级队代表“飞鹰”在赛场、冰面、垫子和球场上. 和一个新的 草皮场地项目 moving forward, we are excited to welcome back men’s and women’s lacrosse for the 2024-2025 season.





我们赞美每一个学生. EC提供身临其境的体验,比如 第三项 出国留学,参与挚爱 mg冰球突破豪华版下载的传统 比如山地日和假日宴会,社区参与项目,参与一个 学生俱乐部或者参加第三学期的垒球比赛. In addition, Elmira’s faculty and staff are here to support you throughout your EC experience. 从学术支持通过 学术中心 & 专业的优秀 去咨询服务中心 克拉克健康中心 为您的学术顾问提供个性化的关注, EC的支持服务旨在帮助您茁壮成长.


如果你打算作为全日制学生转到EC, 你将有资格获得转学奖学金, 人才奖, 以及根据你的资质提供额外的助学金. 你也可以被考虑 飞行计划 如果您符合资格要求并注册2024年秋季学期.


我们的财务援助团队将与您一起确定您的财务援助方案. Wells students are eligible to receive scholarships and financial aid, including need-based 奖助金. 申请通过mg冰球突破豪华版下载提供的所有援助, incoming students must file the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) with institution code 002718. Students will receive notification of their 2024-25 financial aid awards from 埃尔迈拉大学. 学生也将有资格申请本科水平的联邦和州援助(e.g.(佩尔,TAP). Our Admission and 金融援助 teams will work in tandem with you throughout your transition process to ensure you are maximizing the amount of gift aid available to you.


没有正式的截止日期. We understand that this is an important decision and invite you to take the time you need to work through the transfer process. We’ve simplified the process of applying to transition to Elmira and encourage you to provide your materials as soon as possible. 你不仅能更快地做出决定, this will also allow our team to help you register for the courses that fulfill your degree requirements.


Students in good academic standing at 井科尔ege are eligible for admission to a similar program at Elmira. 成绩达到C或C以上的课程将作为学分转入mg冰球突破豪华版下载. 你将与Dr. 丹Kjar来帮助过渡.

我是学生运动员. 我能在mg冰球突破豪华版下载参加比赛吗?

EC有18个大学运动队, 包括八支男子队和八支女子队以及两支男女混合队. 如果你有兴趣的话, 你可以填一张招聘表格, 让我们知道你的威尔斯大学转学表或直接联系教练. 使用下面的竞技快速资源链接来探索飞鹰竞技.


2024年秋季课程的注册已经开始. 我们建议您尽快提交转学材料. 一旦你的转学材料提交了. Kjar will work with you to get registered and provide guidance for the Fall 2024 term and beyond.


是的. EC has five traditional residence halls plus apartment-style options in the Twin Towers and the Cottages. 使用下面的快速资源链接了解更多mg冰球突破豪华版下载校园住宿的信息, 包括性别包容和宠物友好型宿舍等特殊选择.

我是大四学生. 如果我不能进入2025年春季我需要按时毕业的课程怎么办?



Whether or not you’ve completed the transition form, campus visits can be arranged through our 访问页面. 在你访问期间,你可以旁听一堂课, 与你感兴趣项目的在校生见面, 与你专业内可用的教员联系.



