Discovery Through Immersive 学习ing

第三项 is all about gaining knowledge through experience. 我们为您提供在不同领域进行沉浸式和密集工作的机会. 这些特殊的课程学习选择旨在通过创新和冒险的学习方法来增强您的传统课程. If you're an Education student, you can student teach, while Nursing students have the opportunity for clinical work. Many students elect to travel internationally for the term.


What You Gain From 第三项

第三学期有多种方式可以让你在课堂之外接受教育. 你是否想沉浸在旅行的特定地点, have a more relaxed approach to learning, or do field research, 我们期待看到你把你的知识提升到另一个层次.

A student holds a sea cucumber while in the Bahamas

Travel the World

第三学期让你有一个身临其境的学习体验,你可以在你的旅行中得到正确的行动. 你参观的地点和历史文物是你学习的直接参考点.

Students hike on a rocky staircase next to a waterfall

Low-Stakes Exploration

我们这个项目的好处在于,它是一种低风险的方式,让学生获得知识,因为没有绩效评估或评分. 你只是获得了一种新的体验,并因为热爱而学习!

Students examine a tree as part of a science trip

Perform Field Research

For those of you who are interested in field research, 我们的第三学期旅行为您提供了将理论知识应用于实际情况并学习如何收集数据的机会, 分析, and problem-solve, all the while fostering understanding of diverse perspectives.

Highlights from 2023

What Cocurricular 活动 Can I Do This Year?

出国旅行以提高你的教育水平是一种改变人生的经历. 在许多事情中,你会学到特定地区的文化和自然历史, the 政策 and laws that affect vulnerable populations, and the impact of global tourism on local Indigenous communities. 你会从这些短途旅行中获得不同的视角和与朋友的持久记忆. 



Discover how society, 文化, 政策, and law impact the health, 健康, 以及弱势群体的复原力. 通过对社会概念的探索,了解如何在社会或文化中平衡医疗保健需求和资源, 艺术形式, and legal 政策 within a global context. You'll explore cultural arts, 宗教, 体系结构, 绘画, 音乐, 手工艺品, 跳舞, and food as you visit locations such as St. Patrick's Cathedral, Trinity College, the Irish Famine Museum, Dublin Castles, 花园, shopping districts, 和圣. Stephen's Green.  

Students perform research on tide pooling in the Carribean


参观圣. 约翰在维尔京群岛,花了两个星期在实地探索环境采样事业在水文学, water resources, 海洋学, 生态, 地质, or sedimentology. 按标准环境采样方法采集环境样本, run quality control and assessment on those samples, and process and manage the collected data into a usable format. 


Marine and Island Ecology

在圣萨尔瓦多岛上研究热带海洋和陆地生物和环境, Bahamas during this four-week experience. 你将学习植物和动物取样的方法,并进行独立的研究项目. Examine reef 生态, intertidal zones, and plant communities, along with the 地质, 历史, and 文化 of the island. 


Past Opportunities


  • 在希腊、土耳其或埃及学习古典历史的能力
  • A class that studies Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution, capped with a trip to the Galapagos Islands
  • A class in marine and island 生态 in the Bahamas 
  • 有机会参与重要国家历史遗址的考古发掘

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